Preemptive Love Vol. 8

PREEMPTIVE LOVE Journal Vol 8 takes you on the migrant’s journey, a choice of last resort and a means of survival​​​​​​​


Preemptive Love Vol. 8


Metaleap Creative


December 12, 2022



Behind the cover Inspirational of the poem “Migración” by Pablo Neruda – using birds from across the world such as scarlet ibis, gyrfalcon, belted kingfisher, killdeer, smew, and red phalarope

– Ahora cruzan, pueblan la distancia moviendo apenas en la luz las alas,
como si en un latido las unieran,
vuelan sin desprenderse del cuerpo
migratorio que en tierra se divide y se dispersa –
Arte de Pájaros, 1966, P Neruda
CQ71 WINNER Illustration: Professional
February, 2023, Brooklyn, NY

SPD 58 WINNER Illustration: Cover
New York, NY, December 2022

AMERICAN Illustration AI42
Illustration: Cover
New York, NY, April 2023

3×3 Mag Illustration: Cover
New York, NY, July 2023